Tuesday, 10 September 2013


Hey guys! Being a self confessed shopaholic I felt it was time to write something I felt could really actually help people out- so here are my top tips when buying clothes, shoes and accessories.


I would say my top tip would be to invest in items... this may sound scary and I'm not saying you should go out and buy a Chanel bag right now, but more of investing in higher quality high street pieces and if you can afford it, designer is certainly good. This is for two reasons- one is quality, which is obvious (I know that not every shop that has higher prices is necessarily going to last any longer, so be careful with this) My second (and my main reason) is for reselling. If you are prepared to pay say £30 more for a pair of jeans then the likelihood is that you will be able to resell them at a fair price as long as they are in good condition. Personally, I love the quality of items from American Apparel, Jack Wills and All Saints. I'm not totally against shops such as Primark and New Look, but when I buy an item there I buy it knowing I will not be able to sell it again. However, in my experience, buying from American Apparel etc. is certainly worth it- for example, I bought a hoodie from Jack Wills a few years ago for £60, wore it non stop for a year and sold it for £40. I would also recommend that when buying things you plan to sell in the future that you keep the tags, authenticity certificates, bags etc., as these will prove your item is genuine and may in fact fetch you even more money.

In my family, we are all about the sale shopping. Ever since the age of around 9 where I was allowed to start picking out more of my own clothes, my dad pressured me into looking in the Sale section before I looked at anything else in the shop. For years, I hated this, as I hardly every found anything I liked. However, now I am glad of this and people are constantly saying to me how they wished they shopped in sales more often. It is definitely worth being patient! Half price studded leather Zara brogues are my best buy at present!


If you are unsure, don't get it. Simple. However, if you are the type of person that really doesn't know what to do when stood in the middle of Topshop with a beautiful winter coat in your hands that you're not quite sure will match your new outfit (and believe me, this has been my situation many, many times), think of two things. Firstly, is it really worth it? Check the material, will you get enough wear out of it, will you be able to resell it? Secondly, you need to work out whether if you take it home and decide it was probably a mistake to buy it, will you realistically have time to bring it back in the returns period? If not, then don't buy it. If you do, remember to keep the receipt.


If like me you are completely addicted to buying fashion magazines, then you will probably know about the various discount codes that can be found- usually in Grazia etc. Discounts range from 10-25% and some really good shops are included! Also, when you make an account with a shop online such as American Apparel, DO x100 click in the 'Email me offers etc etc etc' box. This sends you things like invitations to join preview sales, special offers and discount codes- American Apparel in particular are very good for this, as every couple months or so I get a 30% code (with their astronomically high prices, this probably isn't enough, but even the slight reduction counts in my eyes).

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